
Monday, November 26, 2012

It's my birthday....and I'll.....

Well, today is my birthday. I do plan on having cake. I bought gluten free cupcakes from a local bakery. I do not plan on going over board as I know it will make me feel sick and I don't want that. I know that will not sit well with some bloggers but it is what I have learned works for ME. I do not deal well with depriving myself 100%; however, I know enough NOT to look at "treats" as something I should turn to on a daily basis or even a weekly basis. I certainly do not subscribe to eating just because everyone else is eating something. I deal quite well with the holiday season and manage not to indulge in things that are available every day. I only choose to indulge on things that are well worth it and even then it is not to the extent that I would have in the past. I know that there will be a point that I need to cut even more back and when I reach that point, I will. In the meantime, I will have my cupcake today. I will go to boxing class tonight. I will spend some time with my husband. I will do what I choose to do! I will take most of the day off.

Yesterday to signify the last day of my 47th year, I did something that I would have thought impossible at the beginning of that year. I climbed to the TOP of the Manitou Incline. If you have read my blog earlier this month, you know that I already did part of the incline. But everything in me wanted to prove that I could make it to the top. So, I made plans to do it on November 25th of 2012....and I DID!

Yep, that says 8565 feet in altitude (you start at about 6500 feet) and 2610 steps. It was hard. It was challenging. It was so worth it!

So, today I turn 48 and today will be another day of reflection and looking forward. I can't wait to see what I accomplish this year. I had a lot of time to think yesterday. As some of you know, I do not step on the scale very often. I have no idea how much weight I have lost this year. I will have an idea later today when I go to the doctor but to me, the important thing is how I feel (emotionally and physically), what physical challenges I can meet, how my clothes fit (or don't fit...i.e., too loose these days). This year I have felt great for the most part. I have met many physical challenges. I have had to remove boxes of clothes from my wardrobe. I believe I have had a successful year.

Well, this is enough for a birthday post. I may be back later to post about the upcoming year and what I hope to accomplish!

Happy to be at the top!


  1. A very happy birthday to you! what an excellent goal to reach climbing the Manitou Incline. I think you absolutely deserve that cupcake:) Enjoy!

  2. Happy birthday! You definitely have to do what works for you. Never feel deprived. Remember this is a lifestyle not a diet. Great work on the climb.
