
Monday, January 23, 2012

Scale Time

I know it is not all about the number on the scale. I know that. I know that. I know that. Just trying to repeat it so it will stick in my head.

I have done well this past week with figuring out what foods to eat and what foods to eliminate from my meal planning. I have tried a few new foods and have done a lot of food prep so as not to rely on convenience foods. I did go out to eat a couple of times but feel I made smart choices.

I have a lot of energy. I wake up without my alarm clock. I am sleeping well. I am walking the dogs just to walk the dogs. I am doing lots of kettlebell classes. I feel strong.

SO, why am I disappointed with a 2.6 pound loss? I know I need to stop fixating on that damned scale but it is much easier said than done for me.

I am going to work on being consistent in my weight loss. Honestly, if I could have another 2 to 3 pound loss next week, I think I will be happy. I would be nice to start stringing together some weeks of losses.

"Nobody trips over mountains. It is the small pebble that causes you to stumble. Pass all the pebbles in your path and you will find you have crossed the mountain."


  1. A 2.6 loss is great!! That's more than most people loose. Just keep up the good work!!

    1. Of course , you're right. I was just feeling a bit let down but know that it is a good amount. Thanks.

  2. 2.6 is AWESOME and healthy. The bigger losses are sometimes harder to maintain and you then see no loss or smaller losses in the future and that in consitency can bring you down also so 1-2 pounds may not be a lot but if it's consistant it will add up before you know it and there will be some weeks where it will be higher if you stick to it all. Celebrate any loss though, don't be too down on it. I have the same problem but I have to remind myself that slow and steady wins the race:-)

    1. Thanks. I know that slow and consistent is the healthier way to face this
      You are absolutely correct. I just need to remind myself

  3. OMG! Disappointed with 2.6lb??? That is the HEALTHY way to lose weight! Usually, those who drop major pounds quickly, it's temporary and quickly comes back. You want to have a steady, sensible loss and maintain a healthy way of life, not a quick, easy fix. You are doing GREAT! Keep making healthy choices.

    1. Thanks so much for the encouragement. I was just having one of those lapses in judgement yesterday. You are very right with your comments. Now if i can just remember your comments going forward.
